Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Recently, i never come here so long to post..been busy with my things and i am in bad mood, should say angry. why? go take a look at the mcs forum. really maddening.Here's the link: http://forum.mediacorp.com.sg/board/showthread.php?s=706dc8753d03999d31edb7418e3aaa6e&threadid=42839
*Angry mood*
the TS did not angered me....but the others did cos they argue with me. I already said i am ugly and hideous devil yet they keep saying i am cute and adorable princess.......what princess?...i dun want to be one....give that tittle to princezz in that forum...i want to be devil (or yokai)....and i am not cute and adorable....i am the ugliest and the most hideous person in the world...scam upon seeing me....ran away like a dog........wahahaha........
this pix looks totally like me......

agreed? better agree hor.....* fierce and mad look*
aniway, y the mods have not close that thread?....i feel my blood is boiling........@#$%&@!^%!$$%%@#
they have seen that ugly pix yet call me cute and adorable...... eye got problem har?....go do checkup lah.....u should go to see the optician to get new spectacles or go see opthalmologist to treat the disease of ur eye or go see opthometrist to examine ur eye lah........ wtf.....@#$%&@%$@#
ermmm...by the way, i like that anime pix...... ermm.....actually i like being called as one...but saying me cute and adorable is a lie...this thing sometimes need to be direct...ugly is ugly....hideous is hideous...they are the opposite of cute and adorable.....this is the truth....look... i am truely ugly and hideous...so by lying to me saying that i am cute and adorable, u think i will be happy?...no...i dun feel happy...i already accept that i am ugly and hideous ..and that will not change...and i hate lies....three year old kid will believe it ..but i am not three year old....i am seventeen.......u think i will believe the lie?.....u think i will believe that i am cute and adorable?....no........by believing it, i am escaping the fact that i am ugly and hideous...so cannot like that... i must accept that i am ugly and hideous...yep..i am ugly and hideous....*nods*
er..what am i saying har?....aniway sum up is that i am ugly and hideous...........end.....no arguements hor.......dun say i am cute and adorable...*cast fierce look*
sorry if this got offend any people.....
12:52 AM