Tuesday, June 13, 2006
haiz...last fri...spirited away...
todae watch full moon wo sagashite last episode in youtube..my bad habit...watch last episode then first de...it has a happy ending lor...Takuto...meroko.....and mitsuki(full moon)...cheers....(i wonder this got broadcasted in tv before?...)
then i got see angel's feathers in youtube....i thought it was a anime de...(turn out it's a game actually?)haiz...faint...
i haven't finish my hw.....-_-....me halfing here and there mahz.....better finish...then i can play maplestory and jue dai shuang jiao 3 le....
2dae got animes...at 11pm at arts central....shaman king rebroadcasted .....k lah....
11:58 PM