Friday, June 30, 2006
again, fri hw(add on):
-fcp portfolio...
2dae , at program,design and authoring(pdf), haiz...understanding test...abt initial state, process state and the pseudo code....and actionscript....
then got tok abt cybercrime.Must pay attention cos have 2 do reflections...(me dun like reflections)
2dae , play neopets again...fulfilling quests(or wasting e neopets coins...then play their games 2 increase e sum left..)
11:30 AM
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1:20 AM
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taken from yahoo search engine....
1:12 AM
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Thursday, June 29, 2006

sesshomaru....taken from yahoo search image engine.....appreciate...:)
6:28 PM
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Well, this blog is upgraded (e template settings changed...)..:p...well, thanks to my friend who help me...:)
(name could not post out as 2 protect privacy..)
Todae, projects again le...
e list:
-graphic design
-digital camera..assignment one:Botanic Garden
assignment two:photo album
just now, i check....
-PDF...e eportfolio
Then hws:- five drawing of expressions....
now see e whole thing...faintz....( dun need cpr ic...firstly, he dun knoe me faint in here...secondly, i wake up beri fast de..hahax...jkjk...:p)
todae also got floorball training...learning the basics and the rules ...:)
then when going back home, i fall asleep again and MISSED MY BUS STOP...>_<......then i have 2 walk back...faint again...:p going 2 slp le...and oh ya, suggestions 4 improving e blog is welcomed.....:p
10:29 AM
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
hws lor...sianz...
1)research on magazines....
k lah k until want 2 fall asleep le...
2)do a report and article on a well known practitioner in creative industries..article 500 words....
.k....k..steven spielberg....still doing..
3)sketching of 5 potraits....
i better sketch from magazines one...if sketch other pple i knoe one...later they come and kill me....cannot....magazines one least pple see le, will dun knoe who's e person lor.....then can let my friends guess who's e person i drawing lor.
..-_-"...won't knoe drawing sucks sia........
also, in order 2 reduce my "sianess" in hws, i will post in mcs and tyt least longer e time i plan 4 doing them lor....
and reading blogs.....
btw, my mum nags le...."ur hw done until so long...quickly finish lah....i dun want 2 wake up in e middle of e nite leh"...(caused by me...cos i switch on e lights everytime in e middle of e mum wake up by e lights...-_-"....)...then"hope u r in sch...then i no need 2 shout so much"...(i didn't tell u 2 shout 4 me de lah...-_-"....)
1:47 AM
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
haiz...last fri...spirited away...
todae watch full moon wo sagashite last episode in bad last episode then first has a happy ending lor...Takuto...meroko.....and mitsuki(full moon)...cheers....(i wonder this got broadcasted in tv before?...)
then i got see angel's feathers in youtube....i thought it was a anime de...(turn out it's a game actually?)haiz...faint...
i haven't finish my halfing here and there mahz.....better finish...then i can play maplestory and jue dai shuang jiao 3 le....
2dae got 11pm at arts central....shaman king rebroadcasted .....k lah....
11:58 PM
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Friday, June 09, 2006
Todae got tok....(maybe i did not sleep enough..thus i hear le almost fall asleep le)...but then when i take bus home, i sleep until e bus overtake my bus stop and 2 jurong east bus interchange....-_-"....
Haiz....i got 2 weeks term break le....Yeah!....can slack up a bit le...todae must catch e animes shown in arts central....i long time never watch le....hope that got inuyasha....i keep on missing it...
7:21 AM
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Monday, June 05, 2006
haix...i so long haven't update le...cos got a lot of hws and my mum nagging at me(cos i spend 2 much time with e com le)...(and i dun like pple nag at me one i argue back...)
Todae no sch cos my block having common test...we dun have as our marks r counted in assignments(projects) 2 do hws....
then my keyboard suddenly got ants...cos i eating at there mah....have 2 wash le..
9:10 PM
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